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Hello Friends!

Welcome to my website, and thank you for taking the time to visit it!


The site's purpose is to pass along information on my books, as well as share my interests with you. You'll find lots on here about old time Erie and the Sixties, which is what my books are about. I love sharing my stories of growing up in my hometown, and educating the reader on the great but strange and turbulent era that I grew up in. If you were a part of that crazy era, my books will take you right back there, and if you weren't, they will give you a good feel for what life was like back then.


You can check out or purchase my books through the menu bar at the top of any screen, and you will find previews via the "More" button on the menu bar. The "More" button is also your ticket to a nostalgic trip of pictures, links, documents and videos back into the past.


I'll be adding to the site as time goes on, so please stop back occasionally.


I'd love to hear from you, so feel free to leave a note or share your thoughts, which you can do by clicking on "Contact" under the "MORE" button .


Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy my site. In the meantime, check out my new book, "Son, son...", which was released on May 26, 2018. It's a collection of 25 short stories detailing the antics of Nosey Nobinski, everybody's favorite character from my other books. And there are some dandy stories in it!


With that being said, never forget good old Erie, and the great old days!



Downtown Erie 1961

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